
What Are The Two Main Ingredients Used To Make The Gel For Gel Electrophoresis?

What is protein electrophoresis?

Poly peptide electrophoresis is a standard laboratory technique by which charged protein molecules are transported through a solvent by an electric field. Both proteins and nucleic acids may be separated by electrophoresis, which is a uncomplicated, rapid, and sensitive belittling tool. Most biological molecules carry a net charge at any pH other than their isoelectric point and volition migrate at a rate proportional to their charge density. The mobility of a molecule through an electric field will depend on the following factors: field force, net accuse on the molecule, size and shape of the molecule, ionic strength, and properties of the matrix through which the molecule migrates (e.g., viscosity, pore size). Polyacrylamide and agarose are ii support matrices normally used in electrophoresis. These matrices serve every bit porous media and behave like a molecular sieve. Agarose has a large pore size and is suitable for separating nucleic acids and large protein complexes. Polyacrylamide has a smaller pore size and is platonic for separating majority of proteins and smaller nucleic acids.

Several forms of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) be, and each form tin provide unlike types of data about proteins of interest. Denaturing and reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate Page (SDS-PAGE) with a discontinuous buffer system is the most widely used electrophoresis technique and separates proteins primarily by mass. Nondenaturing Folio, besides called native-PAGE, separates proteins co-ordinate to their mass/charge ratio. Two-dimensional (2d) PAGE separates proteins past native isoelectric point in the first dimension and by mass in the second dimension.

SDS-PAGE separates proteins primarily by mass because the ionic detergent SDS denatures and binds to proteins to make them uniformly negatively charged. Thus, when a current is applied, all SDS-bound proteins in a sample volition migrate through the gel toward the positively charged electrode. Proteins with less mass travel more quickly through the gel than those with greater mass considering of the sieving effect of the gel matrix. Once separated past electrophoresis, proteins can be detected in a gel with various stains, transferred onto a membrane for detection past western blotting and/or excised and extracted for analysis by mass spectrometry. Protein gel electrophoresis is, therefore, a cardinal footstep in many kinds of proteomics assay.

Watch this video summary of poly peptide gel electrophoresis by SDS-Folio.

What are polyacrylamide gels?

Polyacrylamide is the material of selection for preparing electrophoretic gels to divide proteins past size. Polyacrylamide gels are prepared by mixing acrylamide with bisacrylamide to form a crosslinked polymer network when the polymerizing agent, ammonium persulfate (APS), is added. TEMED (N,N,Northward',N'-tetramethylenediamine) catalyzes the polymerization reaction by promoting the product of costless radicals by APS. At this phase it becomes polyacrylamide.

Diagram depicting the chemical polymerization and crosslinking of acrylamide for protein gel electrophoresis

Polymerization and crosslinking of acrylamide. The ratio of bisacrylamide (N,N'-methylenediacrylamide) to acrylamide, also as the total concentration of both components, affects the pore size and rigidity of the final gel matrix. These, in plow, affect the range of poly peptide sizes (molecular weights) that tin exist resolved.

Case recipe for a traditional polyacrylamide gel: 10% Tris-glycine mini gel for SDS-PAGE:

  • 7.v mL 40% acrylamide solution
  • iii.9 mL 1% bisacrylamide solution
  • 7.5 mL i.5 M Tris-HCl, pH viii.7
  • Add water to 30 mL
  • 0.iii mL 10% APS
  • 0.3 mL 10% SDS
  • 0.03 mL TEMED

The size of the pores created in the gel is inversely related to the polyacrylamide per centum (concentration). For example, a seven% polyacrylamide gel has larger pores than a 12% polyacrylamide gel. Low-percentage gels are used to resolve large proteins, and high-percentage gels are used to resolve small proteins. "Gradient gels" are specially prepared to have a low percentage of polyacrylamide at the top (get-go of sample path) and a high per centum at the bottom (finish), enabling a broader range of poly peptide sizes to be separated.

Electrophoresis gels are formulated in buffers that enable electrical current to period through the matrix. The prepared solution is poured into the thin infinite between two drinking glass or plastic plates that form a cassette. This process is referred to as casting a gel. Once the gel polymerizes, the cassette is mounted (usually vertically) into an apparatus and so that the acme and bottom edges are placed in contact with buffer chambers containing a cathode and an anode, respectively. The running buffer contains ions that bear current through the gel. When proteins are loaded into wells at the peak edge and current is applied, the proteins are drawn by the current through the matrix slab and separated past the sieving properties of the gel.

To obtain optimal resolution of proteins, a stacking gel is cast over the top of the resolving gel. The stacking gel has a lower concentration of acrylamide ( thousand., 7% for larger pore size), lower pH (e.1000., 6.eight), and a dissimilar ionic content. This allows the proteins in a loaded sample to exist concentrated into one tight band during the first few minutes of electrophoresis earlier entering the resolving portion of a gel. A stacking gel is not necessary when using a slope gel, as the gradient itself performs this part.

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in progress using the Invitrogen Mini Gel Tank

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in progress. Prepared gel cassettes are inserted into a gel tank, in this case the Invitrogen Mini Gel Tank, which holds two mini gels at a fourth dimension. After wells are loaded with protein samples, the gels submerged in a conducting running buffer, and electrical current is applied, typically for 20 to 40 minutes. Run times vary according to the size and percentage of the gel and gel chemistry.

SDS-PAGE (denaturing) vs. native-PAGE


In SDS-Page, the gel is bandage in a buffer containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), an anionic detergent. SDS denatures proteins by wrapping around the polypeptide backbone. By heating the protein sample betwixt 70-100°C in the presence of excess SDS and thiol reagent, disulfide bonds are cleaved, and the protein is fully dissociated into its subunits. Under these weather most polypeptides bind SDS in a constant weight ratio (1.4 g of SDS:i g of polypeptide). The intrinsic charges of the polypeptide are insignificant compared to the negative charges provided by the bound detergent so that the SDS-polypeptide complexes have essentially the same negative accuse and shape. Consequently, proteins drift through the gel strictly co-ordinate to polypeptide size with very trivial effect from compositional differences. The simplicity and speed of this method, plus the fact that simply microgram quantities of protein are required, take made SDS-Folio the most widely used method for determination of molecular mass in a polypeptide sample. Proteins from nearly whatever source are readily solubilized by SDS so the method is generally applicable.

When a set of proteins of known mass are run alongside samples in the same gel, they provide a reference past which the mass of sample proteins can be adamant. These sets of reference proteins are called mass markers or molecular weight markers (MW markers), poly peptide ladders, or size standards, and they are bachelor commercially in several forms.

In native-PAGE, proteins are separated co-ordinate to the net accuse, size, and shape of their native construction. Electrophoretic migration occurs because most proteins carry a net negative charge in alkaline running buffers. The higher the negative accuse density (more charges per molecule mass), the faster a poly peptide will migrate. At the same fourth dimension, the frictional force of the gel matrix creates a sieving effect, regulating the movement of proteins according to their size and three-dimensional shape. Small proteins face up but a pocket-size frictional force, while larger proteins face up a larger frictional forcefulness. Thus native-PAGE separates proteins based upon both their charge and mass.

Because no denaturants are used in native-PAGE, subunit interactions inside a multimeric protein are generally retained and information tin exist gained most the fourth structure. In add-on, some proteins retain their enzymatic activeness (function) following separation by native-Page. Thus, this technique may be used for training of purified, active proteins.

Post-obit electrophoresis, proteins can be recovered from a native gel by passive improvidence or electro-elution. To maintain the integrity of proteins during electrophoresis, it is important to keep the appliance cool and minimize denaturation and proteolysis. pH extremes should mostly be avoided in native-PAGE, as they may atomic number 82 to irreversible damage, such as denaturation or aggregation, to proteins of involvement.

ane-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

The most mutual form of protein gel electrophoresis is comparative assay of multiple samples by 1-dimensional (1D) electrophoresis. Gel sizes range from 2 10 3 cm (tiny) to 15 x 18 cm (large format). The most popular size (approx. 8 10 8 cm) is usually referred to equally a "mini gel". Medium-sized gels (8 x xiii cm) are called midi gels. Small gels require less time and reagents than their larger counterparts and are suited for rapid protein screening. Yet, larger gels provide meliorate resolution and are needed for separating similar proteins or a big number of proteins.

Protein samples are added to sample wells at the pinnacle of the gel. When the electrical current is practical, the proteins motion down through the gel matrix, creating what are called lanes of protein bands. Samples that are loaded in adjacent wells and electrophoresed together are easily compared to each other after staining or other detection strategies. The intensity of staining and thickness of protein bands are indicative of their relative abundance. The positions (height) of bands within their respective lanes point their relative sizes (and/or other factors affecting their rate of migration through the gel).

1D stained Invitrogen Novex Tris glycine gel with separated protein bands in 10 lanes

Protein lanes and bands in 1D SDS-Folio. Depicted here is a poly peptide ladder, purified proteins and E. coli lysate loaded on a iv–20% gradient Novex Tris-Glycine gel; Lanes i, five, 10: 5 µL Thermo Scientific PageRuler Unstained Protein Ladder); lanes ii, six, nine: v µL Mark12 Unstained Standard; lane 3: ten µg E. coli lysate (10 µL sample volume); lane 4: half-dozen µg BSA (x µL sample volume); lane vii: 6 µg hIgG (10 µL sample volume); lane 8: twenty µg East. coli lysate (xx µL sample book). Electrophoresis was performed using the Mini Gel Tank. Abrupt, straight bands were observed after staining with SimplyBlue SafeStain. Images were caused using a flatbed scanner.

2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Multiple components of a unmarried sample can be resolved about completely by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). The first dimension separates proteins according to their native isoelectric point (pI) using a class of electrophoresis called isoelectric focusing (IEF). The 2d dimension separates by mass using ordinary SDS-Folio. 2D Folio provides the highest resolution for protein assay and is an of import technique in proteomic research, where resolution of thousands of proteins on a single gel is sometimes necessary.

To perform IEF, a pH gradient is established in a tube or strip gel using a specially formulated buffer system or ampholyte mixture. Gear up-fabricated IEF strip gels (called immobilized pH gradient strips or IPG strips) and required instruments are available from certain manufacturers. During IEF, proteins migrate inside the strip to become focused at the pH points at which their net charges are cipher. These are their corresponding isoelectric points.

The IEF strip is so laid sideways across the peak of an ordinary 1D gel, allowing the proteins to be separated in the second dimension co-ordinate to size.

Stained 2D electrophoresis gel

Example 2-D electrophoresis data. In the start dimension, ane or more samples are resolved by isoelectric focusing (IEF) in strip gels. IEF is usually performed using precast immobilized pH-gradient (IPG) strips on a specialized horizontal electrophoresis platform. For the second dimension, a gel containing the pI-resolved sample is laid across to pinnacle of a slab gel so that the sample tin then be farther resolved by SDS-PAGE.

Comparison of different gel chemistry systems

Iii basic types of buffers are required: the gel casting buffer, the sample buffer, and the running buffer that fills the electrode reservoirs. Electrophoresis may be performed using continuous or discontinuous buffer systems. A continuous buffer organisation, which utilizes just one buffer in the gel, sample, and gel sleeping accommodation reservoirs, is most frequently used for nucleic acid assay and rarely used for protein gel electrophoresis. Proteins separated using a continuous buffer organization tend to be lengthened and poorly resolved. Conversely, discontinuous buffer systems utilize a different gel buffer and running buffer. These systems too use two gel layers of different pore sizes and dissimilar buffer compositions (the stacking and separating gels). Electrophoresis using a discontinuous buffer system results in concentration of the sample and higher resolution. The various usually used discontinuous gel buffer systems as summarized below.


The most widely used gel organisation for separating a broad range of proteins is the Laemmli system. The classical Laemmli arrangement, consisting of Tris-glycine gels and Tris-glycine running buffer, can be used for both SDS-PAGE and native PAGE. This arrangement is used widely because reagents for casting Tris-glycine gels are relatively inexpensive and readily available. Gels using this chemistry can be made in a variety gel formats and percentages.

The formulation of this discontinuous buffer system creates a stacking effect to produce sharp protein bands at the kickoff of the electrophoretic run. A purlieus is formed betwixt chloride, the leading ion, and glycinate, the abaft ion. Tris buffer provides the common cations. Every bit proteins migrate into the resolving gel, they are separated according to size. Tris-glycine gels are used in conjunction with Laemmli sample buffer, and Tris/glycine/SDS running buffer is used for denaturing SDS-PAGE. Native PAGE is performed using native sample and running buffers without denaturants or SDS. The pH and ionic strength of the buffer used for running the gel (Tris, pH eight.3) are different from those of the buffers used in the stacking gel (Tris, pH 6.viii) and the resolving gel (Tris, pH 8.eight). The highly alkaline operating pH of the Laemmli organisation may cause band distortion, loss of resolution, or artifact bands.

Disadvantages of using the Laemmli system:

  • Hydrolysis of polyacrylamide at the high pH of the resolving gel, resulting in a curt shelf life of 8 weeks
  • Chemical alterations such as deamination and alkylation of proteins due to the high pH of the resolving gel
  • Reoxidation of reduced disulfides from cysteine-containing proteins
  • Cleavage of Asp-Pro bonds of proteins when heated at 100°C in Laemmli sample buffer, pH v.ii


In dissimilarity to conventional Tris-glycine gels, Bis-Tris HCI–buffered gels run closer to neutral pH, thus offer enhanced stability and greatly extended shelf-life over Tris-glycine gels (up to 16 months at room temperature). The neutral pH provides reduced protein deposition and is practiced for applications where high sensitivity is required such as analysis of posttranslational modifications, mass spectrometry, or sequencing.

For Bis-Tris gels, chloride serves every bit the leading ion and MES or MOPS human activity as the trailing ion. Bis-Tris buffer forms the mutual cation. Markedly different protein migration patterns are produced depending on whether a Bis-Tris gel is run with MES or MOPS denaturing running buffer: MES buffer is used for smaller proteins, and MOPS buffer is used for mid-sized proteins.

Due to differences in ionic limerick and pH, gel patterns obtained with Bis-Tris gels cannot exist compared to those obtained with Tris-glycine gels. To prevent protein reoxidation, Bis-Tris gels must exist run with alternative reducing agents such as sodium bisulfite. Reducing agents frequently used with Tris-glycine gels, such every bit beta-mercaptoethanol and dithiothreitol (DTT), do non undergo ionization at depression pH levels and are not able to migrate with proteins in a Bis-Tris gel.


Tris-acetate gel chemistry enables the optimal separation of high molecular weight proteins. Tris-acetate gels utilise a discontinuous buffer arrangement involving iii ions- acetate, tricine and tris. Acetate serves every bit a leading ion due to its loftier affinity to the anode relative to other anions in the system. Tricine serves as the trailing ion.Tris-acetate gels can be used with both SDS-PAGE and native PAGE running buffers. Compared with Tris-glycine gels, Tris-acetate gels have a lower pH, which enhances the stability of these gels and minimizes protein modifications, resulting in sharper bands.

Tris Tricine

The Tris-Tricine gel organisation is a modification of the Tris-glycine gel system and is optimized to resolve depression molecular weight proteins in the range of 2–20 kDa. As a result of reformulating the Laemmli running buffer and using Tricine in identify of glycine, SDS-polypeptides form behind the leading ion front rather than running with the SDS forepart, thus allowing for their separation into detached bands.


Zymogram gels are Tris-glycine gels containing gelatin or casein and are used to narrate proteases that employ them equally substrates. Samples are run under denaturing conditions, but due to the absence of reducing agents, proteins undergo renaturation. Proteolytic proteins present in the sample consume the substrate, generating articulate bands against a background stained blueish.

Gel buffer system choice

The option of whether to utilize i chemistry or another depends on the abundance of the protein separating, the size of the protein and the downstream application. For separation of a wide range of proteins ii chemistries: Bis-Tris and Tris-glycine are well suited. Bis-Tris gel chemistry provides greater sensitivity for protein detection compared to Tris-glycine gel chemistry. Choose Bis-Tris gel chemistry when you have a low abundance of poly peptide or when the downstream application requires loftier poly peptide integrity, such equally posttranslational modification assay, mass spectrometry, or sequencing.

Bis-Tris Tris-glycine Tris-acetate Tricine
Protein sample type Wide range MW (half dozen-400 kDa) Broad range MW (6-400 kDa) High range MW (xl-500 kDa) Low range MW (ii.5-xl kDa)
Chemical science benefits Neutral pH for loftier-sensitivity applications and reduced protein deposition Traditional Laemmli-style Assay of high molecular weight proteins; neutral pH Assay of low molecular weight proteins
Recommended for Western blotting, mass spectrometry, posttranslationally modified proteins, dilute samples, and low-abundance proteins Western blotting, in-gel staining, samples containing detergents and high salt, native- Folio applications Loftier molecular weight proteins, western blotting, mass spectrometry, posttranslationally modified proteins, native-PAGE applications Depression molecular weight proteins, western blotting, in-gel staining

Sample buffers and running buffer formulations

Protein samples prepared for SDS-Page analysis are denatured by heating in the presence of a sample buffer containing i% SDS with or without a reducing amanuensis such equally 20mM DTT, 2-mercaptoethanol (BME) or Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP). The protein sample is mixed with the sample buffer and heated for 3 to five minutes (according to the specific protocol) and then cooled to room temperature before it is pipetted into the sample well of a gel. Loading buffers too contain glycerol and then that they are heavier than h2o and sink neatly to the lesser of the buffer-submerged well when added to a gel.

If a suitable, negatively charged, low-molecular weight dye is also included in the sample buffer, it will migrate at the buffer-front, enabling one to monitor the progress of electrophoresis. The most mutual tracking dyes for sample loading buffers are bromophenol blue, phenol carmine and Coomassie blueish. The table beneath summarizes common sample buffers and running buffers used in the different gel buffer systems.

Buffer formulations for discontinuous PAGE

Gel chemistry Sample buffer Running buffer Option criteria
Tris-glycine Tris-glycine SDS sample buffer: Tris HCl (63 mM), glycerol (x%), SDS (2%), bromophenol blue (0.0025%), pH 6.8 Tris-glycine SDS: Tris base (25 mM), glycine (192 mM), SDS (0.1%), pH 8.iii Ease of preparation; relatively inexpensive, separation of broad range of molecular weight proteins
Bis-Tris LDS sample buffer: Tris base (141 mM), Tris HCl (106 mM), LDS (2%), EDTA (0.51 mM), SERVA Bluish G-250 (0.22 mM), phenol red (0.175 mM), pH 8.5 MES SDS: MES (l mM), Tris base (50 mM), SDS (0.1%), EDTA (ane mM), pH 7.3
MOPS SDS: MOPS (fifty mM), Tris base (50 mM), SDS (, EDTA (1 mM), pH 7.7
Relatively long shelf life; room temperature storage; neutral pH minimizes protein modifications, separation of broad range of molecular weight proteins
Tris-Acetate LDS sample buffer: Tris base (141 mM), Tris HCl (106 mM), LDS (two%), EDTA (0.51 mM), SERVA Blue 1000-250 (0.22 mM), phenol red (0.175 mM), pH 8.5 Tris-acetate SDS: Tris base of operations (l mM), Tricine (50 mM), SDS (0.1%), pH 8.24 Superior separation of protein complexes and high MW proteins; relatively long shelf life
Tris-Tricine Tricine SDS sample buffer: Tris HCl (450 mM), glycerol (12%), SDS (4%), Coomassie Blue Grand (0.00075%), phenol crimson (0.0025%), pH viii.45 Tricine-SDS: Tris base (100 mM), tricine (100 mM), SDS (0.i%), pH 8.iii Ideal for separating peptides and low molecular weight proteins
Tris-glycine Native sample buffer: Tris HCl (100 mM), glycerol (10%), bromophenol blue (0.00025%), pH 8.6 Tris-Glycine Native buffer: Tris base of operations (25 mM), glycine (192 mM), pH 8.3 Retentivity of native protein structure
Tris-acetate Native sample buffer: Tris HCl (100 mM), glycerol (10%), bromophenol blueish (0.00025%), pH Tris-Glycine Native buffer: Tris base (25 mM), glycine (192 mM), pH 8.3 Superior separation of protein complexes and high MW proteins
IEF IEF Sample Buffer pH 3-7: Lysine (40 mM), glycerol (15%)
IEF Sample Buffer pH 3-10: Arginine (20 mM), Lysine (20 mM), glycerol (15%)
IEF cathode buffer pH 3-7: Lysine (twoscore mM)
IEF cathode buffer pH three-ten: Arginine (20 mM), lysine (20 mM)
IEF anode buffer: phosphoric acid 85% (7 mM)
Use to separate proteins co-ordinate to isoelectric bespeak (pI) rather than molecular weight
Protease detection
Zymogram Tris-glycine SDS: Tris HCl (63 mM), glycerol (10%), SDS (2%), bromophenol bluish (0.0025%), pH 6.8 Tris-glycine SDS: Tris base (25 mM), glycine (192 mM), SDS (0.1%), pH 8.3 Gelatin or casein gels provide substrates used to detect proteases

Gel electrophoresis running conditions

Gel Blazon Voltage Expected current Run time
Tris-glycine Denaturing: 125 volts constant
Native: 20-125 volts constant
Denaturing: 30-twoscore mA (kickoff), eight-12 mA (stop)
Native: 6-12 mA (offset), iii-6 mA (end)
Denaturing: 90 min
Native: 1-12 60 minutes
Bis-Tris 200 volts constant Non-reducing: 100-125 mA (start), 60-70 mA (end) Reducing: 110-125 mA (commencement), 70-80 mA (end) 35-50 min
Tris-Acetate Denaturing: 150 volts abiding
Native: xx-150 volts constant
Denaturing and Native:
40-55 mA (starting time), 25-40 mA (terminate)
Denaturing: 60 min
Native: 1-12 60 minutes
Tricine 125 volts abiding eighty mA (start), twoscore mA (cease) ninety min
IEF 100 volts for 1hr, 200 volts for 1hr, 500 volts for 30 min 5 mA (offset), 6 mA (end) two.v hr
Zymogram 125 volts abiding 30-xl mA (start), 8-12 mA (end) 90 min

Precast gels vs. handcast gels

Traditionally, researchers casted their own gels using standard recipes that are widely available in protein methods literature. More laboratories are moving to the convenience and consistency afforded by commercially bachelor, gear up-to-use precast gels. Precast gels are bachelor in a multifariousness of percentages, including difficult-to-cascade gradient gels that provide splendid resolution and that divide proteins over the widest possible range of molecular weights. Precast gels are also bachelor in the dissimilar buffer formulations (e.thousand., Tris-glycine, Bis-Tris, Tris-acetate, Tricine), which are designed to optimize shelf life, run fourth dimension, and/or protein resolution.

For researchers who require unique gel formulations non available as precast gels, a wide range of reagents and equipment are available for pouring gels. Withal, technological innovations in buffers and gel polymerization methods enable manufacturers to produce gels with greater uniformity and longer shelf life than individual researchers can set on their own with traditional equipment and methods. In addition, precast polyacrylamide gels eliminate the need to work with the acrylamide monomer, which is a known neurotoxin and suspected carcinogen.

Precast vs. handcast poly peptide gels for SDS-PAGE. Polyacrylamide gels can be purchased precast and ready- to- use (left) or prepared from reagents in the lab using a gel-casting system (right). Pictured here are the Novex Tris-Glycine Mini Gels, WedgeWell format (left) and the SureCast Gel Handcast Organization.

Protein gel electrophoresis chambers

To perform protein gel electrophoresis, the polyacrylamide gel and buffer must be placed in an electrophoresis chamber that is connected to a power source, and which is designed to deport current through the buffer solution. When current is applied, the smaller molecules migrate more than rapidly and the larger molecules migrate more slowly through the gel matrix. Multiple gel sleeping accommodation designs exist. The pick of equipment is usually based on these factors: the dimensions of the gel cassette, with some tank designs accommodating more cassette sizes than others; the nature of the protein target, and respective gel resolution requirements; and whether a precast or handcast gel, and vertical or horizontal electrophoresis organization, has been selected.

Invitrogen Mini gel tank for protein electrophoresis

Mini gel tank for protein gel electrophoresis. This gel tank holds upwardly to ii mini gels and is compatible with the Invitrogen SureCast Gel Handcast System, and with all Invitrogen precast gels. The unique tank pattern enables side-past-side gel loading and enhanced viewing during employ.

Protein ladders and standards

To assess the molecular masses (sizes) of proteins in a gel, a prepared mixture containing several proteins of known molecular masses is run alongside the examination sample in one or more than lanes of the gel. Such sets of known proteins are called protein molecular weight (or mass) markers or poly peptide ladders. A standard curve can be constructed from the distances migrated by each marking protein. The distance migrated by the unknown protein is so plotted, and the molecular weight is extrapolated from the standard curve.

Several kinds of ready-to-apply poly peptide molecular weight (MW) markers are available that are either unlabeled or prestained for different modes of detection. These are pre-reduced and, therefore, primarily suited for SDS-PAGE rather than native Folio. MW markers can as well be fabricated detectable via specialized labels, such as a fluorescent tag, and past other methods.

multicolored PageRuler Plus protein ladder bands on a gel and on a blot

Accurate calibration of molecular weight standards in different buffer systems

Mostly, protein mobility in SDS gels is a office of the length of the protein in its fully denatured state. Past constructing a standard curve with protein standards of known molecular weights, the molecular weight of a sample protein can be calculated based upon its relative mobility. However, the aforementioned molecular weight standard may accept slightly different mobility and therefore, different credible molecular weight when run in different SDS-Folio buffer systems.

The effects of secondary structure

When using SDS-Folio for molecular weight calibration, slight deviations from the true molecular weight of a poly peptide (definitively calculated from the known amino acid sequence) can occur mostly because of the retention of varying degrees of secondary structure in the protein, even in the presence of SDS. This miracle is more than prevalent in proteins with highly organized secondary structures (such every bit collagens, histones, or highly hydrophobic membrane proteins) and in peptides, where the effect of local secondary structure becomes magnified relative to the full size of the peptide.

The pH factor

It has also been observed that slight differences in protein mobilities occur when the same proteins are run in different SDS-PAGE buffer systems. Each SDS-Folio buffer organisation has a unlike pH, which affects the charge of a poly peptide and its bounden capacity for SDS. The degree of modify in protein mobility is ordinarily modest in natural proteins but is more pronounced with singular or chemically modified proteins, such as pre-stained standards. Apparent molecular weight values for pre-stained standards will vary between gel systems- it is important to use the credible molecular weights that matches your gel for the most accurate calibration of your sample proteins.

Chart showing PageRuler Plus Prestained protein ladder migration according to gel type, acrylamide concentration, and running buffer

Migration patterns of PageRuler Plus Prestained Poly peptide Ladder in dissimilar electrophoretic conditions. The apparent molecular weight of each poly peptide (kDa) varies between the dissimilar buffering systems due to the chemical modification of the proteins. Apparent size was determined by calibration of each poly peptide against an unstained poly peptide ladder in specific electrophoresis conditions.

Recommended reading

  • Coligan, J.East., et al., Eds. (2002). Electrophoresis, In Current Protocols in Protein Science, pp. 10.0.1-ten.4.36. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York.
  • Bollag, D.M., Rozycki, M.D. and Edelstein, S.J. (2002). Protein Methods, 2d ed. Wiley-Liss, Inc. New York.
  • Hames, B.D. and Rickwood, D. Eds. (1990) Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins: a Practical Arroyo, 2nd ed. Oxford Academy Press, New York.

Additional resources

What Are The Two Main Ingredients Used To Make The Gel For Gel Electrophoresis?,


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