
How To Use Mosquito Dunks For Fungus Gnats

Looking for a way to kill fungus gnats naturally? Sooner or later you will take to deal with mucus gnats infesting your houseplants. Mucus gnats are the tiny flying pests that tin swarm like an annoying blackness cloud whenever an infested houseplant or outdoor potted plant is moved.

Fungus gnats (Bradysia species) are small, musquito-like insects that unremarkably infest the soil or growing medium of potted plants. When outdoor plants are brought indoors for the colder months, mucus gnats in the potting mix are brought indoors. That's when they can speedily infest the soil of other houseplants.

Fungus gnats thrive in moist potting soil, where they lay their eggs. After the eggs hatch, fungus gnat larvae live in the top two to three inches of the potting soil. Fungus gnat larvae can cause found damage past eating plant roots. After nearly two or 3 weeks, the fungus gnat larvae pupate in the potting soil. Then they become the tiny black adult gnats that wing erratically when a potted establish is moved.

Allow the potting soil dry out out between plant waterings. This will help command fungus gnats. But sometimes more aggressive measures are needed to kill these insect pests. Fortunately, there are now natural, non-chemical ways to naturally kill fungus gnats and command fungus gnat infestations.

Naturally Kill Mucus Gnat Larvae with BTI

To kill mucus gnats naturally, use BTI. Mucus gnats are closely related to mosquitoes, so fungus gnat larvae are effectively killed by BTI. (BTI is a naturally occurring bacterium that is deadly to musquito larvae AND fungus gnat larvae.)

BTI, which is short for Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis, is deadly to mosquito larvae and fungus gnat larvae but harmless to other living things. The bacterium is nature'south way of keeping fungus gnat and mosquito populations down. But fortunately, BTI has no upshot on other insects (such as bees and butterflies). Nor does information technology damage animals, fish, birds, plants, pets or people.

BTI is the active ingredient in top-selling Mosquito Bits ® , which is approved for the control of fungus gnats. To kill fungus gnat larvae, simply milk shake the granular Mosquito Bits ® onto the potting soil in houseplants. Also utilise it on other container-grown plants—including vegetables and herbs.

a package of mosquito bits that kill mosquitoes and fungus gnats
Mosquito Bits comprise BTI to kill fungus gnat larvae and musquito larvae. This production is harmless to people, pets, benign insects, fish and wildlife.

Soak Mosquito $.25 in Water

Here's another like shooting fish in a barrel way to impale fungus gnats naturally with BTI. Brand Musquito Bits tea! Simply mix 4 tablespoons of Musquito $.25 ® in i gallon of water. Let the Bits soak for thirty minutes to remove the BTI, then skim off the floating granules. (Y'all can also place the Bits in a nylon stocking prior to immersing them in water. That makes it easier to remove the granules, which tin be composted or discarded.)

Now stir or shake the water to make certain the BTI is thoroughly mixed in. And so use the "BTI tea" to h2o the soil or potting mix of houseplants and container plants. This treatment controls fungus gnat larvae present in the soil at the fourth dimension of application. For best results, use your Musquito Bits/BTI tea solution inside 48 hours.

Repeat this process weekly for three weeks. If fungus gnats reappear at a afterward time, simply repeat this treatment again. Buy Mosquito Bits here .

Because mucus gnats tin be an ongoing problem, keep a container of Mosquito Bits on your Potting Table with your other gardening supplies.

Kill Adult Fungus Gnats with Horticultural Oil

There is also an environmentally friendly, organic mode to kill fungus gnats after they get adults. Summit ® Twelvemonth-Round ® Spray Oil is a lightweight horticultural oil that controls a wide variety of insect pests including fungus gnats. Elevation ® Twelvemonth-Round ® Spray Oil is OMRI Listed ® by the Organic Materials Review Found and approved for use in certified organic production, and it'southward perfect for indoor use.

Unlike many other pesticides that kill insects with toxic chemicals, Peak ® Year-Round ® Spray Oil literally smothers insects to death. The oil spray blocks an insect's breathing holes (called spiracles), causing insects to die from asphyxiation.

Summit Year-Round Spray Oil is an organic way to kill insect pests

Meridian Year Round Spray Oil can be used whatever time during the year to kill fungus gnats because it won't impairment tender plant buds, shoots or leaves. This lightweight oil has no odor, and it will effectively control pests on even sensitive plants such as tropical houseplants, roses, impatiens, citrus trees, and ferns. Summit ® Year-Round ® Spray Oil naturally kills mucus gnats. It also kills a wide multifariousness of insect pests including aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs, scale, thrips, lace bugs and more. Unlike chemical pesticides which can become less effective after repeated use, there is no known build-up of insect resistance to horticultural oil sprays.

Mosquito Bits ® and Summit ® Year-Round ® Spray Oil are available at abode centers, hardware stores, garden centers and at .

Tin can BTI Be Used to Control Mosquitoes?

The short answer is Yes! In fact, BTI has been used to impale mosquitoes for more than 30 years. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI)has been chosen "Mother Nature's musquito control" considering this bacterium kills mosquito larvae and virtually nothing else. BTI also kills fungus gnats, because fungus gnats are genetically very closely related to mosquitoes.

Mosquito Dunks use chemical-free BTI to kill mosquitoes
Mosquito Dunks use chemic-free BTI to impale mosquitoes. Just float a Mosquito Dunk in continuing water to kill mosquito larvae.

The acknowledged BTI production in the earth is chosen Mosquito Dunks. Only place the handy donut-shaped Dunks in birdbaths, rainbarrels, ponds and anywhere that water collects. The BTI in the Mosquito Dunks will kill mosquito larvae for 30 days or longer. For more data, read Apply BTI to Impale Mosquitoes . To check the cost and availability of Mosquito Dunks, click hither .

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How To Use Mosquito Dunks For Fungus Gnats,


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