
How To Use Saphir Mirror Gloss

This shoe intendance fix contains a tin of Saphir Medaille d'Or Mirror Gloss.

High gloss
Once yous've gone through all the necessary steps to wash, nourish and shine your shoes, you can get-go working on the spit smooth – also known equally 'glazing your shoes'. The basic principle is applying thin layers of shoe wax, and shining each of the layers in between. The layers fifty-fifty out the fibroid construction of the leather. Note that some shoes are made of finer leather than others – so one pair might take longer to spit shine than some other.

We recommend working with Saphir Medaille d'Or Mirror Gloss since information technology is famous for its bang-up shining and nourishing qualities. If you prefer to use a different brand of shoe polish make sure you use a natural beeswax based shoe wax. If y'all don't, yous risk damaging the leather.

Earlier you lot start

If y'all have an oily shoe wax such as Saphir Pate de Luxe you tin can cull to allow your shoe wax dry out a fleck earlier you start. Since Saphir Mirror Gloss is already quite dry it is non necassary to let it dry out kickoff. By leaving the lid off the wax for a day or so, the moisture in the wax volition evaporate. That style you get a concentrated shoe wax that will shine more than easily.

Use a shoe wax with the same colour or slightly darker than the leather of your shoes or neutral. For blackness shoes you lot use black smooth.

Utilise a cotton cloth so you don't scratch the shoe wax when y'all utilise a layer. If you scratch the layers, you can't go a spit shine.

Wrap the cloth around your index and eye finger, so yous have a small and smoothen surface to shine with. Spotter this video for more details:

The first layers (ane-iii)
Apply a fiddling shoe wax to the fabric and massage the wax into the leather of your shoes. Make sure you hold the cloth as shown in the video. The general rule is to apply as little shoe wax as possible, but for the first three layers yous desire to use slightly more since you are trying to comprehend the structure of the leather with layers of shoe wax.

Once you've finished one layer on your shoe, start with the other shoe so the wax tin dry out into the leather a piffling bit. As soon as you've finished the second shoe, yous can go back to the first and smooth the wax. Do this with a horsehair shine brush until you are happy with the result. Finish the layer with a shine fabric, rubbing it firmly and quickly over the toe cap to create heat. The heat melts the wax evenly over your shoe, making it as smooth equally can be. Do this in between all the kickoff 3 layers.

After the third layer you can check if you've used enough shoe wax, simply by touching the leather with your fingers. If you tin can nevertheless feel the structure of the leather clearly, you might desire to utilise another layer. If yous just feel it slightly or fifty-fifty better, non at all, you can continue with the finishing of your spit shine.

Building upwards your smoothen (layers iv and up)
Utilise the next layer of wax, but really effort to employ as little equally possible from this layer on. Also add some h2o to the wax from now on. A little water will help to distribute the wax more evenly over the leather, which nosotros will explicate subsequently.

Apply merely enough wax to encompass the toe cap, but don't apply a thick layer. The shoes already have a thick layer, considering of the iii sparse layers you lot've practical earlier.

Once yous've applied the layer, let it dry. If yous didn't let the wax dry in the tin can for a day before you used it, it needs to dry a chip longer on the shoe.

Wait a few minutes and shine the wax using only the cotton cloth. Over again, use only ii fingers within the cloth as explained earlier in the video. It enhances the rut, which causes the wax to smoothen more. Earlier y'all showtime, drip two small drops of water on the toe box of your shoe; the water will help to distribute the heat, creating an even layer of wax.

Utilize as many of these layers equally you lot wish, until you've reached the shine you were hoping for. Go on checking your progress in between the layers by touching the leather to experience if it is smooth already. On average it takes about seven to ten layers of wax to get a spit shine and nearly iv-5 layers with Saphir mirror gloss. Equally you lot can see it depends heavily on the type of shoe wax and technique you utilise to become a mirror sine/

No luck? No tools!
Finding it difficult to get the level of spit shine you lot want? Use no tools at all. By applying and shining shoe wax with your bare hands you create the most heat, thus getting the quickest shine. Downside: your hands volition obviously be covered in shoe wax, merely since it'due south a natural wax, there are worse things to get on your easily.

Just apply the wax with your fingertips and let the wax dry for 5 minutes. Shine your shoes past apace rubbing the heel of your mitt over the waxed toe box. This creates so much oestrus that the wax melts and creates a smooth shiny layer. You will detect that your hand also gets really hot by the friction.

To wax and shine the rest of your shoe, utilize a Saphir Medaille d'Or shine glove. The glove allows yous to cover a bigger expanse of the shoe than y'all would using only two fingers in the shine textile.

How To Use Saphir Mirror Gloss,


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